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Taylor Kramer, the creative force behind Art by Sunrae, is a burgeoning talent in the world of art, standing out with a distinctive style that weaves together the macabre and the captivating. As an aspiring tattoo artist and proud Indigenous artist hailing from Fargo, Taylor's passion for creation knows no bounds. Her art, characterized by a unique blend of dark content and distinctive flair, offers a fresh perspective that challenges and entices viewers in equal measure.

Art by Sunrae is a treasure trove of creativity, offering everything from stickers and jewelry to bespoke pieces that celebrate the spooky and supernatural. Taylor's fearless embrace of the macabre sets her work apart, making her creations perfect for those who seek art with an edge or gifts that defy the ordinary. Her versatility as an artist is evident in her use of multiple mediums, allowing her to explore and express the darker side of imagination with remarkable depth and nuance. Its a mix that marries the eerie allure of Clive Barker's worlds with the whimsical charm of Hello Kitty.

One of Taylor's standout creations is the Solid Bones Pocketbook Oracle, a deck inspired skeletal remains and direct messages. This juxtaposition of themes captures Taylor's ability to play with contrasts, creating a Oracle deck that is not only visually striking but also imbued with a unique spirit. The Solid Bones Pocketbook Oracle is a testament to Taylor's inventive vision and her skill in bringing together elements that are seemingly at odds to create something truly original.

Art by Sunrae represents a bold voice in the artistic community, one that is not afraid to delve into the shadows and emerge with creations that resonate with beauty, intrigue, and a touch of the sinister. Taylor Kramer's commitment to exploring the darker aspects of art and life through her work invites us to look beyond the surface and find beauty in the depths. As she continues to grow and evolve as an artist, Taylor's work promises to keep pushing boundaries and captivating those who dare to explore the art of the dark and the divine.

  • 4-15-2024 BRAINERD, MN