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From a young age, the founder of Cryptids, Anomalies, and the Paranormal Society (CAPS) has been deeply fascinated by the mysteries that skirt the fringes of scientific understanding. This lifelong intrigue was sparked in elementary school when a research paper on the elusive El Chupacabra captured their imagination. This wasn't just a passing interest; it was the beginning of a profound journey into the unknown. Throughout their grade school years, they didn't just wonder about the paranormal—they actively sought it out, investigating cemeteries and engaging with the supernatural firsthand. This early dedication to exploring the unexplained laid a solid foundation for their future endeavors.

This passion for the paranormal was not left behind in childhood. In fact, it only grew stronger with time, leading to the opening of the Misery Haunted House, a venture that situated itself within an authentically haunted location. Here, the founder was not just creating an attraction; they were immersing themselves and others into a world where the paranormal was palpably real. The experiences gathered from this period were instrumental in shaping their understanding and curiosity about the supernatural world, further cementing their commitment to exploring these phenomena more deeply.

The turning point in this journey came in 2019, following a serendipitous meeting with Craig Sulk, the owner of the Hyden Adventure, who shared tales of Bigfoot activities on his property. This encounter was more than just an exchange of stories; it was the catalyst for the creation of CAPS. Inspired by the potential to systematically investigate such claims, CAPS was founded with a mission to explore, document, and understand the myriad of mysteries that lie in the realm of cryptids, anomalies, and the paranormal. Since then, CAPS has been a beacon for those seeking to understand the unexplained, bridging the gap between anecdote and analysis.

Among the myriad of encounters and experiences, one stands out as particularly memorable: the violent shaking and subsequent throwing of a fake tree by an unseen force while setting up at Misery Haunted House. This incident, stark in its defiance of conventional explanation, epitomizes the unpredictable and often unnerving nature of the paranormal. It is encounters like these that fuel the founder's drive to delve deeper into the unknown. With a diploma in Cryptozoology, a history as a professional wrestler, and the experience of visiting zoos across the nation, the founder of CAPS brings a unique blend of curiosity, courage, and commitment to their quest to uncover the mysteries that linger on the edge of our reality.



  • 4-15-2024 BRAINERD, MN

    2-11-2024 OSHKOSH WI